[CORE 2b] teaches students computer science through block-based programming as they improve typing. Through the KTBlocks platform, student may choose between learning Java, Python or C++. After this course students will be able to begin coding at a high school level, and usually reach college level after about 2 years. This class consists of 18 class sessions, including a final project. Although students receive graded homework, most don't need to attend our student help hours for help.
[CORE 2b] teaches students computer science through block-based programming as they improve typing. Through the KTBlocks platform, student may choose between learning Java, Python or C++. After this course students will be able to begin coding at a high school level, and usually reach college level after about 2 years. This class consists of 18 class sessions, including a final project. Although students receive graded homework, most don't need to attend our student help hours for help.
[CORE 2a] or instructor approval, 5th grade math proficiency
[CORE 2a] or instructor approval, 5th grade math proficiency
If Statements
We will begin the new semester with a comprehensive review of how we've been using if statements thus far, and why they are a good choice for doing lots of different tasks.
Scrolling Backgrounds
In this week's lesson we'll create an infinite scrolling background for our program! Different background elements will be drawn using Sprites. By moving the background Sprites at different speeds we can add 3 dimensional depth to our scene.
Making a Momentum Game!
We've made games that simulate gravity before, but now we're going to make a game that actually allows us to simulate momentum. We're going to make a ball-toss game. This project will make use of new variables called pmouseX and pmouseY.
Using Functions to make Art
Here, we will continue working with functions and arguments. This lesson will focus on how we can use one function to accomplish a series of tasks depending on what arguments it receives. We will also look at how to link functions together, so that we don't have to worry about calling our functions as often.
Making a GIF
For a while, students have been clamoring for animated GIFs in JavaBlocks. Today, we will be doing just that!
Making Flappy Bird
This week, we're going to start making another game: Flappy Bird. This game took to mobile gaming market by storm about 5 years ago, and its effects can still be felt. It is a fairly simple game, with some hidden depth. I want to see how much of this game the students can work out on their own before we start handing them code, so give them ample time to work stuff out on their own!
Flappy Bird, Pt.2
This week, we will continue to work on our Flappy Bird clone. Last week we built the bird, and made it flap. We also added the start and reset screen. This week, we're going to be making the pipes, and making the hit-detection for those pipes.
Hot and Cold game
This week, we will be using the distance block and some variables to create a treasure hunting game. This game will rely on sound, color, and hidden values to challenge the player to locate hidden treasure on the game map. This game will focus on coordinate systems, and the Sound Cipher Library
Turret Game
This week we'll create a top-down view turret game using ArrayLists. To do this we'll need to keep track of our turret, projectiles, and incoming enemies with Sprites.
Challenge Quiz
Today, we will be participating in a challenge quiz createdby our KTBYTE instructors! Students will be tasked with solving computation problems at various skill levels.
Space Invaders
This week we'll create the classic arcade game, Space Invaders! This will test our skills of interpreting and adding to an existing project.
Racer Game
Today, we will learn more about modeling physics to build our own racer game! This will involve using variables to represent acceleration and drag.
Star Castle
Today, we will create a version of the classic arcade game Star Castle! This will build off what we learned with our turret game and space invaders, with the added element of health for our wall Sprites.
Students chose web game and we analyzed them and broke them down into their component parts.
Projects Continued
Work on your projects during class.
Projects Continued
Worked on projects during class
If Statements
We will begin the new semester with a comprehensive review of how we've been using if statements thus far, and why they are a good choice for doing lots of different tasks.
Scrolling Backgrounds
In this week's lesson we'll create an infinite scrolling background for our program! Different background elements will be drawn using Sprites. By moving the background Sprites at different speeds we can add 3 dimensional depth to our scene.
Making a Momentum Game!
We've made games that simulate gravity before, but now we're going to make a game that actually allows us to simulate momentum. We're going to make a ball-toss game. This project will make use of new variables called pmouseX and pmouseY.
Using Functions to make Art
Here, we will continue working with functions and arguments. This lesson will focus on how we can use one function to accomplish a series of tasks depending on what arguments it receives. We will also look at how to link functions together, so that we don't have to worry about calling our functions as often.
Making a GIF
For a while, students have been clamoring for animated GIFs in JavaBlocks. Today, we will be doing just that!
Making Flappy Bird
This week, we're going to start making another game: Flappy Bird. This game took to mobile gaming market by storm about 5 years ago, and its effects can still be felt. It is a fairly simple game, with some hidden depth. I want to see how much of this game the students can work out on their own before we start handing them code, so give them ample time to work stuff out on their own!
Flappy Bird, Pt.2
This week, we will continue to work on our Flappy Bird clone. Last week we built the bird, and made it flap. We also added the start and reset screen. This week, we're going to be making the pipes, and making the hit-detection for those pipes.
Hot and Cold game
This week, we will be using the distance block and some variables to create a treasure hunting game. This game will rely on sound, color, and hidden values to challenge the player to locate hidden treasure on the game map. This game will focus on coordinate systems, and the Sound Cipher Library
Turret Game
This week we'll create a top-down view turret game using ArrayLists. To do this we'll need to keep track of our turret, projectiles, and incoming enemies with Sprites.
Challenge Quiz
Today, we will be participating in a challenge quiz createdby our KTBYTE instructors! Students will be tasked with solving computation problems at various skill levels.
Space Invaders
This week we'll create the classic arcade game, Space Invaders! This will test our skills of interpreting and adding to an existing project.
Racer Game
Today, we will learn more about modeling physics to build our own racer game! This will involve using variables to represent acceleration and drag.
Star Castle
Today, we will create a version of the classic arcade game Star Castle! This will build off what we learned with our turret game and space invaders, with the added element of health for our wall Sprites.
Students chose web game and we analyzed them and broke them down into their component parts.
Projects Continued
Work on your projects during class.
Projects Continued
Worked on projects during class