Artificial Intelligence for Beginners


Full Course

$499 USD
Before any discounts or coupons
for 10 hours

Class Description:

Are you fascinated by the world of AI and eager to dive into its creation? Join us in this beginner-friendly course where we explore the exciting field of artificial intelligence using Scratch and Google Teachable Machine! No prior coding experience required. You'll embark on a journey to understand the basics of AI and machine learning through hands-on projects. From training your own AI models to building interactive experiments, you'll gain a solid foundation in AI concepts while having fun with creative projects.


Age 10+ or Instructor Permission

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Introduction to AI and Scratch

Today we introduce the concept of Artificial Intelligence and some uses. Students will be introduced to the ideas of Machine Learning, Classification models, and Natural Language Processing. We will also spend some time learning to use Scratch, the coding language we'll be using for the rest of this course.

Features in AI

In this class, students will learn how features are used in AI to make more accurate predictions. They will also use Scratch to experiment with distinguishing different categories based on these features. By the end, students will also have a solid understanding of bias and how it affects results.

Types of Machine Learning Models

In AI, different models are used to solve different kinds of problems. Students will learn about the various types of AI models and how they relate to real-life activities. The class will focus on teaching Classification and Regression, both of which are widely used in our daily lives. Students will be working with Scratch to build a simple classification model.

Model Evaluation and Validation

Students will explore why it's crucial to evaluate and validate AI models to ensure they perform accurately and reliably. Through several discussions, students will gain an understanding of the metrics used in the models. They will also have the opportunity to work on the prepared model, experimenting with different evaluation metrics to see firsthand how these metrics impact the model's results.

Neural Networks

We'll begin this class with students sharing their AI projects from the last lesson. Then we'll begin exploring the concept of neural networks in AI. Students will gain an understanding of how computers are taught to process data similarly to human brains. This session will provide insights into the structure and function of neural networks, and how they enable computers to recognize patterns and make decisions.

Image Recognition and Computer Vision

In this class, we will dig deeper into image recognition, expanding on what we briefly covered in previous lessons. Students will learn how image classification is applied in real life. We will introduce Google Teachable Machine and students will have the opportunity to build their own image classification projects using this tool.

Natural Language Processing

In this class, we will introduce students to the concept of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its wide applications in our daily lives, such as translation and chatbots. Students will learn how NLP is used to enhance our daily experiences. A hands-on project will be conducted to demonstrate how chatbots function.

AI in Healthcare

Students will explore the vital role of AI in the healthcare industry, as it improves efficiency, prediction accuracy, and diagnostic outcomes. Students will engage in a brainstorming session to identify the pros and cons of AI applications in healthcare. By the end of this lesson students will gain a basic understanding of how AI algorithms can assist basic healthcare activities through their Scratch projects.

Future of AI

In our final class, we will wrap up our exploration of AI concepts that we've covered throughout the course. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on what they've learned and discuss their thoughts on the future of AI in our daily lives.

Project Day

Today we'll create our own AI projects using Pictoblox! Students will start by identifying problems they want to solve with AI models. Then, they will develop their models and use different evaluation metrics to refine their models.