This course focuses on the beauty of randomness, and how to harness and control chaos in code. By using algorithms, Perlin Noise, recursive functions, and autonomous agents, students will create mesmerizing and stunning works of art. This course proves that computer science isn't all hard lines and sterile code, but can, instead, be an unpredicatble artist. Unlike its companion course, [GEN DESIGN], this course focuses on autonomy and emergent behaviors.
This course focuses on the beauty of randomness, and how to harness and control chaos in code. By using algorithms, Perlin Noise, recursive functions, and autonomous agents, students will create mesmerizing and stunning works of art. This course proves that computer science isn't all hard lines and sterile code, but can, instead, be an unpredicatble artist. Unlike its companion course, [GEN DESIGN], this course focuses on autonomy and emergent behaviors.
Completion of [CORE 4b] or Instructor Approval
Completion of [CORE 4b] or Instructor Approval
Perlin Noise
Two-dimensional noise
Map Generation and Graphics Mask
Grids (Part 1)
Grids and Agents
Recursive Trees
More Fractals
More Agents, Flocking Part 1
Flocking Part 2
Flocking Part 3
Force Fields
Final Project Planning
Final Project
Perlin Noise
Two-dimensional noise
Map Generation and Graphics Mask
Grids (Part 1)
Grids and Agents
Recursive Trees
More Fractals
More Agents, Flocking Part 1
Flocking Part 2
Flocking Part 3
Force Fields
Final Project Planning
Final Project