Students will build, test, and publish their own game in KTBlocks
The KTCoder all-in-one coding platform supports our interactive online classes, our specialized curriculum, and our students’ passion for learning.
Help hours are led by our highly qualified teaching assistants. It is an easy and free way to get immediate feedback on your code.
KTBYTE will e-mail parents with behavior and grade progess reports.
Students can request a certificate of completion once they finish each course.
[CORE 6a] teaches algorithms and data structures using Java in a lecture format. Students complete weekly graded homework assignments and monthly quizzes. Most students find it helpful to attend our student help hours for support learning these advanced concepts. The material is similar to what may be encountered in lower level USACO competitions. After this class, students can choose to enroll in [AI 1], our Intro to Machine Learning course.
[CORE 5b] or permission of instructor
[CORE 6a] teaches algorithms and data structures using Java in a lecture format. Students complete weekly graded homework assignments and monthly quizzes. Most students find it helpful to attend our student help hours for support learning these advanced concepts. The material is similar to what may be encountered in lower level USACO competitions. After this class, students can choose to enroll in [AI 1], our Intro to Machine Learning course.
[CORE 5b] or permission of instructor
Selection Sort (and intro to Insertion Sort)
Insertion Sort
Binary Search
Merge Sort
Sorting Review
Quiz - Sorting
Return to Recursion
Quiz - Recursion and Floodfill
Quiz - Linked Lists
Selection Sort (and intro to Insertion Sort)
Insertion Sort
Binary Search
Merge Sort
Sorting Review
Quiz - Sorting
Return to Recursion
Quiz - Recursion and Floodfill
Quiz - Linked Lists