Students will build, test, and publish their own game in KTBlocks
The KTCoder all-in-one coding platform supports our interactive online classes, our specialized curriculum, and our students’ passion for learning.
Help hours are led by our highly qualified teaching assistants. It is an easy and free way to get immediate feedback on your code.
KTBYTE will e-mail parents with behavior and grade progess reports.
Students can request a certificate of completion once they finish each course.
The American Computer Science League (ACSL) is the longest running computer science contest in the United States since 1978. Since 2020 the contest has been open to students online around the world. This prep course will allow students to review material, receive live instructions practicing historical contests, and participate together as a team through KTBYTE.
Clubs are run by qualified, award-winning KTBYTE Teaching Assistants.
Completion of [CORE 5b] or Instructor Approval
The American Computer Science League (ACSL) is the longest running computer science contest in the United States since 1978. Since 2020 the contest has been open to students online around the world. This prep course will allow students to review material, receive live instructions practicing historical contests, and participate together as a team through KTBYTE.
Clubs are run by qualified, award-winning KTBYTE Teaching Assistants.
Completion of [CORE 5b] or Instructor Approval
Computer Number Systems
This class focused on computer number systems.
Recursive Functions
This class focused on recursive functions.
Contest 1 - What Does This Program Do?
Today we learned about analyzing and solving problems involving pseudo code!
Review for Contest 1
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of Contest 1 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
Contest 1 Programming
Today we practiced solving programming problems from past years' first contests.
Contest 1 Programming
Today we continued practicing solving programming problems from past years' first contests.
Contest 2 - Prefix, Infix, Postfix Notation
Today we learned how to solve problems involving prefix, infix, and postfix notation. This type of question appears in problems 1-2 of contest 2.
Contest 2 - Bit-String Flicking
Today we learned about Bit-String Flicking, a concept that involves some boolean algebra along with other logical operators with 0s and 1s. The notation takes some getting used to, but once you understand it, you'll be able to solve some very interesting ACSL problems!
Contest 2 - LISP
Today we learned about LISP, one of the first functional languages invented in 1958. It is infamous for having lots of parentheses, so much so that we often joke that LISP stands for “Lots of Irritating Silly Parentheses.”
Contest 2 - More LISP
Today we learned about LISP, one of the first functional languages invented in 1958. It is infamous for having lots of parentheses, so much so that we often joke that LISP stands for “Lots of Irritating Silly Parentheses.”
Contest 2 Programming
Today we practiced solving programming problems from past years' second contests.
Review for Contest 2 (Session 1)
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of Contest 2 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
Review for Contest 2 (Session 2)
Today, we continued reviewing for the shorts portion of Contest 2 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
Contest 3 - Boolean Algebra
We learned about solving problems involving the first Contest 3 topic, Boolean algebra.
Contest 3 - Data Structures
We learned about solving problems involving the second Contest 3 topic, Data structures. These include queues, stacks, and binary search trees.
Contest 3 - FSAs and Regular Expressions
Today, we talked about Regular Expressions, which are a way we can represent patterns of Strings. Finite State Automatons (FSAs) model these as a sequence of states and transitions.
Contest 3 Programming
Today we practiced solving programming problems from past years' third contests.
Review for Contest 3 (Session 1)
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of Contest 3 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
Review for Contest 3 (Session 2)
Today, we continued reviewing for the shorts portion of Contest 3 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
Contest 4 - Graph Theory
We explored Graph Theory, which involves a mathematical concept called matrix multiplication.
Contest 4 - Digital Electronics
Today, we learned about solving problems involving the second Contest 4 topic, Digital Electronics. This topic is an extension of Boolean Algebra. In fact, it’s simply a visual representation of Boolean algebra expressions using circuits, so bring all your Contest 3 Boolean algebra knowledge to the lesson!
Contest 4 - Assembly
Today we learned about analyzing and solving problems involving ACSL's Assembly programming language.
Review for Contest 4
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of Contest 4 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
ACSL Senior/Intermediate Finals Review Session 1
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of ACSL Senior and Intermediate Finals by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests. We also discussed some trickier application of previous concepts already taught.
ACSL Senior/Intermediate Finals Review Session 2
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of ACSL Senior and Intermediate Finals by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests. We also discussed some trickier application of previous concepts already taught.
ACSL Senior/Intermediate Finals Review Session 3
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of ACSL Senior and Intermediate Finals by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
ACSL Senior/Intermediate Finals Review Session 4
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of ACSL Senior/Intermediate Finals by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests. We also practiced solving programming problems from past years' all-star contests.
Computer Number Systems
This class focused on computer number systems.
Recursive Functions
This class focused on recursive functions.
Contest 1 - What Does This Program Do?
Today we learned about analyzing and solving problems involving pseudo code!
Review for Contest 1
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of Contest 1 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
Contest 1 Programming
Today we practiced solving programming problems from past years' first contests.
Contest 1 Programming
Today we continued practicing solving programming problems from past years' first contests.
Contest 2 - Prefix, Infix, Postfix Notation
Today we learned how to solve problems involving prefix, infix, and postfix notation. This type of question appears in problems 1-2 of contest 2.
Contest 2 - Bit-String Flicking
Today we learned about Bit-String Flicking, a concept that involves some boolean algebra along with other logical operators with 0s and 1s. The notation takes some getting used to, but once you understand it, you'll be able to solve some very interesting ACSL problems!
Contest 2 - LISP
Today we learned about LISP, one of the first functional languages invented in 1958. It is infamous for having lots of parentheses, so much so that we often joke that LISP stands for “Lots of Irritating Silly Parentheses.”
Contest 2 - More LISP
Today we learned about LISP, one of the first functional languages invented in 1958. It is infamous for having lots of parentheses, so much so that we often joke that LISP stands for “Lots of Irritating Silly Parentheses.”
Contest 2 Programming
Today we practiced solving programming problems from past years' second contests.
Review for Contest 2 (Session 1)
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of Contest 2 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
Review for Contest 2 (Session 2)
Today, we continued reviewing for the shorts portion of Contest 2 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
Contest 3 - Boolean Algebra
We learned about solving problems involving the first Contest 3 topic, Boolean algebra.
Contest 3 - Data Structures
We learned about solving problems involving the second Contest 3 topic, Data structures. These include queues, stacks, and binary search trees.
Contest 3 - FSAs and Regular Expressions
Today, we talked about Regular Expressions, which are a way we can represent patterns of Strings. Finite State Automatons (FSAs) model these as a sequence of states and transitions.
Contest 3 Programming
Today we practiced solving programming problems from past years' third contests.
Review for Contest 3 (Session 1)
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of Contest 3 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
Review for Contest 3 (Session 2)
Today, we continued reviewing for the shorts portion of Contest 3 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
Contest 4 - Graph Theory
We explored Graph Theory, which involves a mathematical concept called matrix multiplication.
Contest 4 - Digital Electronics
Today, we learned about solving problems involving the second Contest 4 topic, Digital Electronics. This topic is an extension of Boolean Algebra. In fact, it’s simply a visual representation of Boolean algebra expressions using circuits, so bring all your Contest 3 Boolean algebra knowledge to the lesson!
Contest 4 - Assembly
Today we learned about analyzing and solving problems involving ACSL's Assembly programming language.
Review for Contest 4
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of Contest 4 by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
ACSL Senior/Intermediate Finals Review Session 1
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of ACSL Senior and Intermediate Finals by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests. We also discussed some trickier application of previous concepts already taught.
ACSL Senior/Intermediate Finals Review Session 2
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of ACSL Senior and Intermediate Finals by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests. We also discussed some trickier application of previous concepts already taught.
ACSL Senior/Intermediate Finals Review Session 3
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of ACSL Senior and Intermediate Finals by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests.
ACSL Senior/Intermediate Finals Review Session 4
Today, we reviewed for the shorts portion of ACSL Senior/Intermediate Finals by completing miscellaneous problems that have shown up on past contests. We also practiced solving programming problems from past years' all-star contests.