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The showcase player uses a modified version of Processing.js in combination with jsweet to let students program their apps in Java code while still allowing for browser support.
Content created by students is scaled to fit the showcase frame while maintaining aspect ratio and cursor position. This is why some projects may appear blurry in fullscreen, or why some small details may not be visible on a small screen
<iframe width='500px' height='400px' src='' allowfullscreen></iframe>
class Cube { float y1, y2, y3, y4, x1, x2, x3, x4, y5, y6; float pt1, pt2, midpoint; float mX, mY; float amt; color light, darkLeft, darkRight; color left, right; Cube(float mouse_X, float mouse_Y, float amount, float point1, float point2, float midPoint) { amt = amount; mX = mouse_X; mY = mouse_Y; pt1 = point1; pt2 = point2; midpoint = midPoint; } void cubeMath() { y1 = lerp(0, mY, amt); //change this amount 0.8 y2 = lerp(400, mY, amt); y3 = lerp(y1, midpoint, 0.3); y4 = lerp(y2, midpoint, 0.3); x1 = lerp(mX, pt1, 0.3); x2 = lerp(mX, pt2, 0.3); float XYdiff = lerp(x1, x2, 0.5); x3 = lerp(mX, XYdiff, 1.52); y5 = lerp(y1, midpoint, 0.46); y6 = lerp(y2, midpoint, 0.46); float diff = mX/2.35; //scale mouse to RGB range float diffDiff = 255 - diff; //println(diff + " " + diffDiff); darkLeft = color(diff); light = color(255); left = lerpColor(darkLeft, light, 0.5); darkRight = color(diffDiff); right = lerpColor(darkRight, light, 0.5); } void display() { stroke(200); strokeWeight(0.5); line(x1, 0, x1, height); line(x2, 0, x2, height); line(0, y1, 600, y1); line(0, y2, 600, y2); line(0, y5, 600, y5); line(0, y6, 600, y6); //front line(mX, 0, mX, height); line(x3, 0, x3, height); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); //left line(pt1, midpoint, mX, y1); line(pt1, midpoint, mX, y2); //right line(pt2, midpoint, mX, y1); line(pt2, midpoint, mX, y2); //top line(pt1, midpoint, x2, y3); line(pt2, midpoint, x1, y3); //bottom line(pt1, midpoint, x2, y4); line(pt2, midpoint, x1, y4); stroke(255, 0, 0); strokeWeight(1); line(mX, y1, mX, y2); fill(right, 150); //TOP Counter clockwise beginShape(); vertex(x1, y3); vertex(mX, y1); vertex(x2, y3); vertex(x3, y5); vertex(x1, y3); endShape(); fill(left, 150); //BOTTOM Clockwise beginShape(); vertex(x1, y4); vertex(mX, y2); vertex(x2, y4); vertex(x3, y6); vertex(x1, y4); endShape(); line(x3, y5, x3, y6); //LEFT SIDE Counter clockwise beginShape(); vertex(mX, y1); vertex(x1, y3); vertex(x1, y4); vertex(mX, y2); vertex(mX, y1); endShape(); fill(right, 100); //RIGHT SIDE Clockwise beginShape(); vertex(mX, y1); vertex(x2, y3); vertex(x2, y4); vertex(mX, y2); vertex(mX, y1); endShape(); // fill(0); // //Clockwise // text(int(x1) + ", " + int(y3), x1, y3); //point 1 // text(int(x2) + ", " + int(y3), x2, y3); //point 2 // text(int(x2) + ", " + int(y4), x2, y4); //point 3 // text(int(x1) + ", " + int(y4), x1, y4); //point 4 // // text(mX + ", " + int(y1), mX, y1); // text(mX + ", " + int(y2), mX, y2); } } Cube cube; PFont font; float mX, mY; float pt1, pt2; float amt; float midpoint; void setup() { size(600, 600); smooth(); //String[] fontlist = PFont.list(); //println(fontlist); //font = loadFont("ITC.vlw"); amt = 1.4; pt1 = 3; pt2 = 597; midpoint = 300; } void draw() { background(235, 255, 255, 255); fill(0); //textFont(font, 18); text("Two Point Perspective", 9, 20); fill(100); //textFont(font, 12); text("Drag the points to change width", 9, 40); text("Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change height", 9, 60); mX = mouseX; mY = mouseY; println(mouseX + " " + mouseY); fill(255, 0, 0); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); line(0, midpoint, 600, midpoint); //horizon line ellipse(pt1, midpoint, 6, 6); ellipse(pt2, midpoint, 6, 6); cube = new Cube(mX, mY, amt, pt1, pt2, midpoint); cube.cubeMath(); cube.display(); fill(0); //textFont(font, 10); if (pt1 < 250) { text(pt1 + ", " + midpoint, pt1, midpoint-10); } if (pt1 > 250) { text(pt1 + ", " + midpoint, pt1-50, midpoint-10); } if (pt2 > 550) { text(pt2 + ", " + midpoint, pt2-55, midpoint-10); } if (pt2 < 550) { text(pt2 + ", " + midpoint, pt2, midpoint-10); } } void mouseDragged() { if ((mX > pt1-10) && (mX < (pt1+10)) && (mY > midpoint-10) && (mY < midpoint+10)) { pt1 = mouseX; if (pt1 < 3) { pt1 = 3; } if (pt1 > 294) { pt1 = 294; } } if ((mX > pt2-10) && (mX < (pt2+10)) && (mY > midpoint-10) && (mY < midpoint+10)) { pt2 = mouseX; if (pt2 > 597) { pt2 = 597; } if (pt2 < 306) { pt2 = 306; } } } void keyReleased() { if (keyCode == UP) { amt = amt + 0.1; if (amt > 2.0) { amt = 2.0; } } if (keyCode == DOWN) { amt = amt - 0.1; if (amt < 1.0) { amt = 1.0; } } println(amt); }