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The showcase player uses a modified version of Processing.js in combination with jsweet to let students program their apps in Java code while still allowing for browser support.
Content created by students is scaled to fit the showcase frame while maintaining aspect ratio and cursor position. This is why some projects may appear blurry in fullscreen, or why some small details may not be visible on a small screen
<iframe width='500px' height='400px' src='' allowfullscreen></iframe>
int TILE_SIZE = 16; int WORLD_HEIGHT, WORLD_WIDTH; float GRAVITY = 0.1; float COLLISION_BUFFER = TILE_SIZE * 0.3; player p; float xOffset = 0; ArrayList<tile> tileList; ArrayList<decoTile> decoTileList; void setup() { size(800, 600); frameRate(60); noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); ellipseMode(CENTER); WORLD_HEIGHT = 40; WORLD_WIDTH = int(width * 3 / TILE_SIZE); tileList = new ArrayList(); decoTileList = new ArrayList(); p = new player(width / 2, 0); terrainGeneration(); } void terrainGeneration() { float xoff = 0; float STEP_VALUE = 0.05; //The larger this value the rougher the noise will be. for (int x=-1; x<WORLD_WIDTH; x++) { //Loops through x-axis noiseDetail(5, 0.4); float noiseY = noise(xoff); //Generates y-value of tile based on noise, noise() returns value between 0-1 int layer = int(map(noiseY, 0, 1, 0, WORLD_HEIGHT)); //Maps y-noise value to more usable value int depth = 0; //Tracks how deep into the ground the current tile is for (int i=layer; i<int(height / TILE_SIZE) + 1; i++) { int[] tempColours = new int[3]; //Used to store colours (to create grass and stone) if (depth < 1) { if (random(1) > 0.94) { addTree(x, layer - 1); //Adds trees occasionally } } if (depth < 2) { tempColours[0] = 34; tempColours[1] = int(random(130,140)); //Grass colours tempColours[2] = 39; } else { int tone = int(random(100,110)); //Stone Colours tempColours[0] = tone; tempColours[1] = tone; tempColours[2] = tone; } tileList.add(new tile(x * TILE_SIZE, i * TILE_SIZE, tempColours)); //Creates the tile depth++; } xoff += STEP_VALUE; //Increases the xoff variable by the step value, otherwise world would be flat } } void addTree(float x, float y) { int[] tempColours = new int[3]; int treeHeight = int(random(3,6)); for (float i=y;i>y-treeHeight;i--) { tempColours[0] = 120; tempColours[1] = 80; tempColours[2] = 10; decoTileList.add(new decoTile(x * TILE_SIZE, i * TILE_SIZE, tempColours)); } for (float i=x-2;i<x+3;i++) { tempColours[0] = 80; tempColours[1] = 150; tempColours[2] = 10; decoTileList.add(new decoTile(i * TILE_SIZE, (y-treeHeight) * TILE_SIZE, tempColours)); decoTileList.add(new decoTile(i * TILE_SIZE, (y-treeHeight-1) * TILE_SIZE, tempColours)); decoTileList.add(new decoTile(i * TILE_SIZE, (y-treeHeight-2) * TILE_SIZE, tempColours)); } } void draw() { background(137, 207, 240); for (int i=0; i<tileList.size(); i++) { if (tileList.get(i).xpos + xOffset > - TILE_SIZE && tileList.get(i).xpos + xOffset < width + TILE_SIZE) { tileList.get(i).draw(); } tileList.get(i).wrapAround(); } for (int i=0; i<decoTileList.size(); i++) { decoTileList.get(i).draw(); } p.draw(); } void keyPressed() { if (key == 'w') { p.jump(); } if (key == 'a') { p.moveLeft(); } if (key == 'd') { p.moveRight(); } } void keyReleased() { if (key == 'a' && p.xvel > 0) { p.xvel = 0; } if (key == 'd' && p.xvel < 0) { p.xvel = 0; } } class player { float xpos, ypos; float xvel = 0, yvel = 0; int speed = 2; float top, bottom, left, right; //hitbox sides boolean topC, bottomC, leftC, rightC; //collision sides player(float x, float y) { xpos = x; ypos = y; } void updateHitbox() { top = ypos - (TILE_SIZE / 2); bottom = ypos + (TILE_SIZE / 2); left = xpos - (TILE_SIZE / 2); right = xpos + (TILE_SIZE / 2); } void updatePosition() { xOffset += int(xvel); if ((xvel < 0.1 && xvel > 0) || (xvel > -0.1 && xvel < 0)) { xvel = 0; } if (!bottomC) { yvel += GRAVITY; if (yvel > 2) { yvel = 2; } } else { yvel = 0; } ypos += yvel; } void collisionCheck() { rightC = false; leftC = false; bottomC = false; for (int i=0; i<tileList.size();i++) { if (dist(xpos, ypos, tileList.get(i).xpos + xOffset, tileList.get(i).ypos) < TILE_SIZE * 2) { if (right >= tileList.get(i).left && right < tileList.get(i).right - COLLISION_BUFFER && bottom > tileList.get(i).top + COLLISION_BUFFER) { rightC = true; if (right > tileList.get(i).left) { xOffset += right - tileList.get(i).left; } } if (left <= tileList.get(i).right && left > tileList.get(i).left - COLLISION_BUFFER && bottom > tileList.get(i).top + COLLISION_BUFFER) { leftC = true; if (left < tileList.get(i).right) { xOffset += left - tileList.get(i).right; } } if (bottom >= tileList.get(i).top && bottom < tileList.get(i).top + COLLISION_BUFFER && left < tileList.get(i).right && right > tileList.get(i).left) { bottomC = true; if (bottom > tileList.get(i).top) { ypos -= bottom - tileList.get(i).top; } } } } } void jump() { if (bottomC) { ypos -= 2; yvel = - (TILE_SIZE / 8); } } void moveRight() { if (rightC == false) { xvel = - speed; } else { xvel = 0; } } void moveLeft() { if (leftC == false) { xvel = speed; } else { xvel = 0; } } void draw() { updateHitbox(); collisionCheck(); updatePosition(); fill(0, 0, 255); rect(xpos, ypos, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE); } } class tile { float xpos, ypos; int[] colours = new int[3]; float top, bottom, left, right; tile(float x, float y, int rgb[]) { xpos = x; ypos = y; for (int i=0; i<colours.length; i++) { colours[i] = rgb[i]; } } void updateHitbox() { top = ypos - (TILE_SIZE / 2); bottom = ypos + (TILE_SIZE / 2); left = xpos - (TILE_SIZE / 2) + xOffset; right = xpos + (TILE_SIZE / 2) + xOffset; } void draw() { updateHitbox(); fill(colours[0], colours[1], colours[2]); rect(xpos + xOffset, ypos, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE); } void wrapAround() { if (xpos + xOffset <= -TILE_SIZE * 2) { xpos = (WORLD_WIDTH * TILE_SIZE) - TILE_SIZE - xOffset; } if (xpos + xOffset >= WORLD_WIDTH * TILE_SIZE) { xpos = - xOffset - TILE_SIZE; } } } class decoTile { float xpos, ypos; int[] colours = new int[3]; float top, bottom, left, right; decoTile(float x, float y, int rgb[]) { xpos = x; ypos = y; for (int i=0; i<colours.length; i++) { colours[i] = rgb[i]; } } void draw() { fill(colours[0], colours[1], colours[2]); rect(xpos + xOffset, ypos, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE); if (xpos + xOffset <= -TILE_SIZE * 2) { xpos = (WORLD_WIDTH * TILE_SIZE) - TILE_SIZE - xOffset; } if (xpos + xOffset >= WORLD_WIDTH * TILE_SIZE) { xpos = - xOffset - TILE_SIZE; } } }