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The showcase player uses a modified version of Processing.js in combination with jsweet to let students program their apps in Java code while still allowing for browser support.
Content created by students is scaled to fit the showcase frame while maintaining aspect ratio and cursor position. This is why some projects may appear blurry in fullscreen, or why some small details may not be visible on a small screen
<iframe width='500px' height='400px' src='' allowfullscreen></iframe>
int SUSCEPTIBLE = 0, INFECTIOUS = 1, REMOVED = 2; int NUMBER_PEOPLE = 100; int NUMBER_INFECTED = 2; int ASYMPTOMATIC_PROBABILITY = 20; // int PERCENT_ADHERING_SOCIAL_DISTANCE = 70; int PERCENT_ADHERING_SOCIAL_DISTANCE = 100; boolean USE_SOCIAL_DISTANCING = false; int HIGHEST_PROBABILIY_POP_B = 100; // int HIGHEST_PROBABILIY_POP_B = 0; int DEATH_PROBABILITY_POP_A = 0; int DEATH_PROBABILITY_POP_B = 20; SIRModel model = new SIRModel(500, 350, NUMBER_PEOPLE, NUMBER_INFECTED); SIRModel visibleModel = new SIRModel(500, 350, model); int INFECT_DISTANCE = 8; int INFECT_PROBABILITY = 10; boolean TESTING_QUARANTINE_APPLIES_TO_ASYMTOMATIC = false; float WALK_SPEED = 1; float FAST_WALK_SPEED = 5; int TESTING_RADIUS = 50; int AUTO_QUARANTINE_SYMPTOMATIC_AFTER_FRAMES = 60*50; //Each 60 frames, a second, is 4 days let's say int RECOVERY_FRAME_COUNT = 30 * 14; //14 days to recovery int FRAMES_TO_SHOW_INFECTION = 60 * 2; color COLOR_S = color(100, 150, 255), COLOR_I = color(255, 150, 100), COLOR_R = color(150, 255, 100), COLOR_D = color(0); color COLOR_ASYMTOMATIC = color(255, 0, 0); int framesPerChartColumn = 10; int FRAMES_PER_CHART_TICK = 30 * 7; int DAYS_PER_TICK = 7; void setup() { size(1400, 900); } void draw() { background(255); model.display(50, 50); model.step(); model.test(50, 50); model.computeChart(); model.chart(600, 50, 600, 350); visibleModel.testX = model.testX; visibleModel.testY = model.testY; visibleModel.display(50, 500); visibleModel.time++; visibleModel.computeChart(); visibleModel.chart(600, 500, 600, 350); } class Person { int state = SUSCEPTIBLE, w, h; boolean dead = false; int infectedFrames = 0; boolean popB; boolean quarantine = false; // When quarantined move to the top left corner boolean asymptomatic = random(0, 100) < ASYMPTOMATIC_PROBABILITY; boolean adheres_to_social_distancing = random(0, 100) < PERCENT_ADHERING_SOCIAL_DISTANCE; int transmissions = 0; Set<Person> possibleTransmissions = new HashSet<Person>(); Person(int w, int h) { this.w = w; this.h = h; x = random(0, w); y = random(0, h); if (random(0, 100) < x*1.0/w*HIGHEST_PROBABILIY_POP_B) { popB = true; } } float x, y, angle = random(0, 2 * PI), speed = WALK_SPEED, rotatePerStep = PI / 10; int showInfectFrames = 0; void infect(Person source) { state = INFECTIOUS; showInfectFrames = FRAMES_TO_SHOW_INFECTION; source.transmissions++; } void addPotentialInfection(Person other) { possibleTransmissions.add(other); } void display() { if (dead) { fill(0); } else if (state == 0) fill(COLOR_S); else if (state == 1) { fill(COLOR_I); if (asymptomatic) fill(COLOR_ASYMTOMATIC); } else if (state == 2) fill(COLOR_R); noStroke(); if (!dead) { rectMode(CENTER); if (popB) { stroke(0); rect(x, y, 8, 8); } else { ellipse(x, y, 8, 8); } noStroke(); } else { rectMode(CENTER); stroke(0); line(x-2, y-2, x+2, y+2); line(x-2, y+2, x+2, y-2); //rect(x, y, 5, 5); } if (showInfectFrames > 0) { noFill(); stroke(255, 0, 0, map(showInfectFrames, 0, FRAMES_TO_SHOW_INFECTION, 0, 255)); ellipse(x, y, INFECT_DISTANCE * 2, INFECT_DISTANCE * 2); showInfectFrames--; } } void step(int testX, int testY, ArrayList<Person> people) { if (dist(x, y, testX, testY) < TESTING_RADIUS && !dead) { if (!visibleModel.people.contains(this)) { visibleModel.people.add(this); } } if (state == INFECTIOUS && infectedFrames > AUTO_QUARANTINE_SYMPTOMATIC_AFTER_FRAMES && !asymptomatic) { quarantine = true; goToQuarantine(); } else if (state == INFECTIOUS && (quarantine || (dist(x, y, testX, testY) < TESTING_RADIUS && (!asymptomatic || TESTING_QUARANTINE_APPLIES_TO_ASYMTOMATIC)))) { quarantine = true; goToQuarantine(); } else if (!dead) { if (USE_SOCIAL_DISTANCING && adheres_to_social_distancing) avoidClosest(people); else randomWalk(); } //else if (dead && dist(x, y, testX, testY) < TESTING_RADIUS) { // if (!visibleModel.people.contains(this)) { // visibleModel.people.add(this); // } //} if (state == INFECTIOUS) infectedFrames++; if (infectedFrames > RECOVERY_FRAME_COUNT && state != REMOVED) { state = REMOVED; //some probability of dying if (!popB) { if (random(0, 100) < DEATH_PROBABILITY_POP_A) { dead = true; } } else { if (random(0, 100) < DEATH_PROBABILITY_POP_B) { dead = true; } } } } float quarantineX = random(-50, -20), quarantineY = random(-50, -20); void goToQuarantine() { angle = atan2(quarantineY - y, quarantineX - x); if (dist(x, y, quarantineX, quarantineY) < 50) speed = WALK_SPEED; else speed = FAST_WALK_SPEED; x += speed * cos(angle); y += speed * sin(angle); } void randomWalk() { speed = WALK_SPEED; x += speed * cos(angle); y += speed * sin(angle); angle += random( - rotatePerStep, rotatePerStep); if (x > w || x < 0 || y < 0 || y > h) angle = random( - PI, PI); x = constrain(x, 0, w); y = constrain(y, 0, h); //if at edges, turn faster } void avoidClosest(ArrayList<Person> people) { Person closest = null; for (Person p : people) { if (p != this) { if (closest == null) closest = p; else if (dist(p.x, p.y, x, y) < dist(closest.x, closest.y, x, y)) closest = p; } } if (closest != null) { angle = atan2(y-closest.y, x-closest.x); randomWalk(); } } } class SIRHistory { int s; int i, a; int r, d; } class SIRModel { int time = 0; ArrayList<SIRHistory> history = new ArrayList<SIRHistory>(); SIRModel originalModel = null; int peakInfection = 0, peakTotal = 1; int testX = -TESTING_RADIUS*10, testY = -TESTING_RADIUS*10; SIRModel(int w, int h, SIRModel originalModel) { this.w = w; this.h = h; this.originalModel = originalModel; } SIRModel(int w, int h, int n, int infected) { this.w = w; this.h = h; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Person p = new Person(w, h); people.add(p); if (i < infected) p.state = INFECTIOUS; } } int w, h; ArrayList < Person > people = new ArrayList < Person > (); //top left x y coordinate void display(int xOffset, int yOffset) { pushMatrix(); translate(xOffset, yOffset); rectMode(CORNER); fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0, 0, w, h); for (Person p : people) { p.display(); } noStroke(); if (testX > 0 && testY > 0) { fill(0, 50); ellipse(testX, testY, TESTING_RADIUS*2, TESTING_RADIUS*2); } float quarantineX = random(-50, -20), quarantineY = random(-50, -20); fill(0,50); ellipse((-50+20)/2,(-50+20)/2,(-20+50),(-20+50)); popMatrix(); } void test(int xOffset, int yOffset) { if (mouseX - xOffset > 0 && mouseX - xOffset < w && mouseY - yOffset > 0 && mouseY - yOffset < h) { testX = mouseX - xOffset; testY = mouseY - yOffset; } else testX=testY=-TESTING_RADIUS*10; } void chart(int xOffset, int yOffset, int chartW, int chartH) { pushMatrix(); translate(xOffset, yOffset); rectMode(CORNER); fill(255); stroke(0); rect(0, 0, chartW, chartH); if (history.size() == 0) { popMatrix(); return; } float barWidth = 1.0 * chartW / history.size(); int d = 0, t = 0, cfrifrPercent = 0; for (int i = 0; i < history.size(); i++) { boolean lastColumn = i == history.size() - 1; SIRHistory sir = history.get(i); int total = sir.s + sir.i + sir.r; if(total == 0) continue; float x = barWidth * i - 1; float heightS = sir.s * 1.0 / total * chartH; float heightRalive = (sir.r - sir.d) * 1.0 / total * chartH; float heightRdead = sir.d * 1.0 / total * chartH; textAlign(LEFT, CENTER); noStroke(); fill(COLOR_D); rect(x, 0, barWidth + 1, heightRdead); if (lastColumn && heightRdead > 0) text("DEAD", chartW + 3, heightRdead / 2.0); fill(COLOR_R); rect(x, heightRdead, barWidth + 1, heightRalive); if (lastColumn) text("REMOVED", chartW + 3, heightRdead + heightRalive / 2.0); float heightR = heightRalive + heightRdead; fill(COLOR_S); rect(x, heightR, barWidth + 1, heightS); if (lastColumn) text("SUSCEPTIBLE", chartW + 3, heightR + heightS / 2.0); float heightIasymptomatic = (sir.a) * 1.0 / total * chartH; float heightIsymptomatic = (sir.i - sir.a) * 1.0 / total * chartH; fill(COLOR_I); rect(x, heightR + heightS, barWidth + 1, heightIsymptomatic); if (lastColumn) { text("INFECTIOUS-SYMPTOMATIC", chartW + 3, heightR + heightS + heightIsymptomatic / 2.0); if(sir.i > peakInfection) { peakInfection = sir.i; peakTotal = total; } } fill(COLOR_ASYMTOMATIC); fill(255, 0, 0); rect(x, heightR + heightS + heightIsymptomatic, barWidth + 1, heightIasymptomatic); if (lastColumn && sir.a > 0) text("ASYMPTOMATIC", chartW + 3, heightR + heightS + heightIsymptomatic + heightIasymptomatic / 2.0); if ((i * framesPerChartColumn) % (FRAMES_PER_CHART_TICK) == 0) { stroke(0); line(x, chartH, x, chartH + 10); fill(0); String txt = "" + (i * framesPerChartColumn) / FRAMES_PER_CHART_TICK * DAYS_PER_TICK; textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text(txt, x, chartH + 25); } if (lastColumn) { d = sir.d; t = total; cfrifrPercent = (int)(sir.d * 1.0 / (sir.s + sir.i + sir.r) * 100); } } fill(0); float sumR = 0, sumR0 = 0, countR = 0; for(Person p : people) { if(p.transmissions > 0) { sumR += p.transmissions; sumR0 += p.possibleTransmissions.size(); countR++; } } String stats = "CFR/IFR: " + d + "/" + t + "=" + cfrifrPercent + "%,"; stats += " Peak: "+(int)(peakInfection * 100.0 / peakTotal)+"%,"; if(people.size()==NUMBER_PEOPLE && countR > 0) { stats += " R: "+((int)(sumR * 10.0/ countR))/10.0+","; String str2 = ""+((int)(sumR0 * 10.0/ countR))/10.0; if(!str2.contains(".")) str2 += ".0"; stats += " R0: "+str2+","; } stats += " Days: "+(history.size()* framesPerChartColumn * DAYS_PER_TICK / FRAMES_PER_CHART_TICK); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); text(stats, chartW / 2, -20); popMatrix(); } void step() { time++; for (Person p : people) { p.step(testX, testY, people); if (p.speed == FAST_WALK_SPEED) continue; //Check for infection for (Person other : people) { if (p != other && random(0, 100) < INFECT_PROBABILITY) { if (dist(p.x, p.y, other.x, other.y) < INFECT_DISTANCE) { if (p.state == INFECTIOUS && other.state == SUSCEPTIBLE) { other.infect(p); } if(p.state == INFECTIOUS) p.addPotentialInfection(other); } } } } } void computeChart() { // time++; if (time % framesPerChartColumn == 0) { SIRHistory now = new SIRHistory(); for (Person p : people) { if (p.state == SUSCEPTIBLE) now.s++; if (p.state == INFECTIOUS) { if (p.asymptomatic) now.a++; now.i++; } if (p.state == REMOVED) now.r++; if (p.dead) now.d++; } //if (now.i > QUARANTINE_AFTER_INFECTED_NUMBER) quarantineEnabled = true; if (now.i > 0 || (originalModel != null && originalModel.history.size() > history.size())) history.add(now); else { //Check if this is the last one if (history.get(history.size() - 1).i > 0) history.add(now); } } } } void mousePressed() { USE_SOCIAL_DISTANCING = !USE_SOCIAL_DISTANCING; }